ADORN THE PRESENT- A 'Prisoner' / 'Walker' Short Story

I first got into The Prisoner when I was around 10. I was on a family holiday to Wales and we stayed a few nights in a cottage in Portmeirion. Each night at '6', an episode was shown. I was immediately hooked. For years I hunted out VHS copies until I finally had all of the episodes. I joined the Six of One fan club, searched for everything Patrick McGoohan had ever done & have been pretty obsessed ever since. So, for the heck of it, here's a Prisoner inspired short story, featuring my series character, Mick Walker. Be Seeing You. Adorn The Present By Simon Maltman Walker comes to with a start. He is lying on an empty beach, turquoise sea stretching out ahead of him. He scrambles to his feet. The sun is rising above the vast ocean. Walker spins around, completely disorientated. Where am I? Behind him on the cliff above is the outline of a beautiful Italianate village. Coloured in pastels of yellow, orange a...