My 2018 End Of Year Favourites

2018 Books, Music & T.V For what it's worth, here's my two pennies on what I thought were high points this year. This is just a quick run through of my personal faves. Books 13- Steve Cavanagh The tag line is all you need- 'The serial killer isn't on trial- he's on the jury.' Grab yourself a copy if you're one of the few who hasn't already! In a House of Lies- Ian Rankin Rebus returns, along with your favourite Rankin characters. There's much to savour in seeing an older and failing Rebus involve himself in a tense mystery. Disorder- Gerard Brennan The prose is anything but disordered in this multi-protagonist noir. Take a hard-boiled, sometimes gritty and comical tour of the streets of Belfast. Albums Alice in Chains- Rainier Fog The grunge survivors hit back with their best album since Layne Staley's passing. A satisfying blend of big riffs and scorching harmonies. Walking Papers- W2 Walk...