THE SIDEWINDER: First 4 Chapters

Here's the first few chapters of my new book. I hope you enjoy it. It's officially not out through Solstice Publishing until 1st December, but you can actually order both paperback and e-copies here if you like- Amazon UK Amazon USA Thanks, Simon. The Sidewinder By Simon Maltman Part 1- Opening Theme Chapter One “Just one more thing.” That’s what my mind repeated to me over and over, as the TV screen informed me that my old buddy was dead. I surveyed the steam rising off my ‘Columbo’ mug, as my mind zoned in and out, like its zoom setting was broken. “Just one more thing”- written in blue ink, alongside a grainy image of the famous detective, blanketed in his trademark long and scruffy jacket. It was like a mantra. I exhaled, forcing some of the steam to wisp away. I knew I needed to keep it together. “Andrew, are you alright?” asked Darragh urgently. ...